Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tiffany Tiffany Jewelry: The Epitome Of Chic

God, what bloody literary discussions we had; we were literary as hell then just after the Tiffany Bangles the war, and later there was the good beer at Lipp's at midnight after Mascart-Ledoux at the Cirque Tiffany Bracelets great fight where you lost your voice and were still too excited to turn in; but beer was mostly those years just Tiffany Charms those years just after the war with Chink and in the mountains.
Flags for the Fusilier, crags for the Mountaineer, for English Tiffany Cuff Links for English poets beer, strong beer for Tiffany Earrings We outgrew some countries and we went to others but beer was still a bloody marvel. The old man knew Tiffany jewelry too. I had seen it in his eye the first time he saw me take a drink.
'Beer,' said M'Cola.
Tiffany Key Rings out at that park-like country, the engine hot under my boots, the Wanderobo-Masai as strong as ever beside me, Kamau watching the grooves of the tyre tracks in the green turf, and I hung my booted legs over the side to let my feet cool and drank the beer and wished old Chink was along.

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